Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Random Photos

Blast from the Past

Kinabalu, where art thou?

Zaman - zaman seniors (2010)

you took our land so we camped elsewhere
Seniors at work
Btw, we would like to thank sitekeepers of for their link to our blog under 'First KL Scout Blog'. If you have the time please share your thoughts on creating a twitter account for FirstKL.

-The Fighting First-

An update long due - ATL Installation

Pardon the hiatus but with SPM breathing (ooooh its foul stench) down your neck, finding spare time to update the blog was an onerous task.

July 13 2011 - ATLs Installation

What better way to go out if not with a feast? Buckets of fried chicken and mee hoon were brought out to commemorate another auspicious end of a scouting year. However prior to the blowout, speeches were given by incumbent scouters and seniors before the official pass-down.

  Three awards were given out :

1. The Best Boy scout [Bone-Trophy] awarded to BS Salihin 

 2. The Best Patrol [ BP Trophy] awarded to Lion Patrol led by PL Peter Lai
( Lions' victory broke the streak of Eagle Patrol after a good three years - 08'09'10')

3. The Best PL [aka Green-Shield] awarded to PL Vallalar

SPL Kevinesh with his exiting speech

Not to forget; Puan Maheran, our teacher advisor
SPL Leong Ngai Mun : Before I leave....

(L-R) TL Harrizal, Puan Maheran, TL Wong, TL Danial Hakim, SPL Kevinesh, SPL Leong, SS Azir
MIA : TL Izzad, ASPL Nik Amirul, ASPL Eddie Siew
 We would like to thank all those who made the scouting year a success especially our teacher advisors Puan Maheran, Encik Sandhra, Puan Fatma, Puan Asrima and Mr Syahrul. Only with their help and guidance did we manage to get through the year (despite certain 'officials' who tried to bring the movement down with their ruse and malicious ploys). Also not to forget sponsors and well wishers who made possible the Kinabalu Expedition and our 102nd Anniversary Campfire.

Hopefully the years to come will be favorable to troop and bring greater triumphs!

Best Patrol - Lion
Front (L-R) : Hafiz, Sreivan, Syed, Zarin
Back (L-R) : Lim, PL Peter, Luqman
MIA : APL Rotiart

Eagle Patrol - (the patrol that lost its streak :3)
Front (L-R) : Ahmad, Bryan, Ali Imran, Firdaus
Back (L-R) : Muthu, PL Vallalar
MIA : APL Huzair

In case you're wondering, this is NOT the full troop. A mere one third :3

ATLs (L-R) : ATL Ridhwan Razak, ATL Amir Azman

-The Fighting First-